"I agree and approve Rico Acosta and his brother Richie Acosta of New York their highest effort and performance to promote Kali Arnis through Kuntao Kali and LSAI so help us Lord of Heaven and Earth, ESGM Vic R. Sanchez"
- Senior Grandmaster Vicente Sanchez Kali Arnis International Federation
"Not only do Maestro Rico and Master Rich Acosta teach us tradition. They also train us for real life situations. Mass attacks, one on one, bar fights, etc.
Master Rich Acosta's class caters to a wide variety of students. There are students with extensive martial arts back grounds and some students with out any experience in the martial arts. I’ve trained in many different martial arts, including wrestling, and I have been in many street altercations, but Maestro Rico and Master Rich always surprise me with how and what they teach!"