The Lightning Scientific Kali Federation was founded with the approval of the late Nuno Mataw Guro ESGM Vicente Sanchez, who was the Senior Grandmaster of our organization. We all deeply mourn his passing and will continue to spread the art of Lightning Scientific Kali Internationally to honor him.
Nuno Mataw Guro ESGM Vicente Sanchez was a long time friend and student of Grandmaster Benjamin Luna Lema, and he was one of the highest-ranking Senior Masters of Lightning Scientific Arnis International. He dedicated most of his life to propagating the Filipino Martial Arts. Nuno Mataw Guro ESGM Vicente Sanchez was one of the founders of the Philippine Council of Kali Eskrima Arnis Masters and head of his own system, the Kali Arnis International Federation. He was one of the most respected Grandmasters in the Philippines and actively promoted art of Kali Arnis until his untimely passing.
As a professional stuntman, he was called upon to do various movies throughout the years. During the filming of "Sticks of Death", Nuno Mataw Guro ESGM Vic Sanchez met the legendary Grandmaster Benjamin Luna Lema of Lightning Scientific Arnis International who was known and respected as a great fighter. They built up a close friendship and great respect for each other through the years, until the passing of Grandmaster Ben Luna Lema.
Nuno Mataw Guro ESGM Vicente Sanchez learned and mastered 4 styles of Arnis through his lifetime; Cinco Teros, Kasilagan, Modern Arnis and Lightning Scientific Arnis.
He had four children, Joseph O. Sanchez, Theresa O. Sanchez, Bernadette S. Sanchez, Vincent Paul O. Sanchez by his wife is Corazon M. Oliva. Nuno Mataw Guro ESGM Vic Sanchez trained his group of Junior, Senior and Master Instructors, in the advanced techniques of Arnis at the Marikina Sports Center, Marikina Sports Park.
Nuno Mataw Guro ESGM Vicente R. Sanchez Age : 83 yrs old (deceased) Birthday : April 25, 1934
Studied in University of the East College of Commerce (under graduate) Founder and President of Kali Arnis International (KAI) Teaching and propagating Arnis for more that 45 years.
Master of 4 major Arnis styles/systems:
Cinco Terros - under Master Antonio Javier - promoted in 1956 Kasilagan - under Master Jhony Panuringan - promoted in 1958 Modern Arnis - Balintawak - under GM Remy A. Presas - last promoted in 1994 Tercia, Serrada, Cadenilla and Espada y Daga - under GM Benjamin Luna Lema (Lightning Scientific Arnis International - LSAI) - promoted in 1978
Contributed to many major activities in Arnis:
1. Give seminars to coaches, Principals, teachers and PE instructors through out the Philippine sponsored by Department of Education, Culture and Sports in 1975 MAFP (Modern Arnis Federation of the Philippines). Send by the Philippine Government to Japan by the department of Tourism in 1976 MAFP. Trained Philippine Coast Guard in 1980-81. Trained Military, Charlie Comapany 2nd Batallion 2nd Infrantry Regiment - 1980 - 1983 Kali Arnis International. Coach of the Philippine Arnis team during 2nd World WEKAF Arnis Tournament in 1992 NARAPHIL. Master of two Arnis National Champion Tournament namely: (a). Charlie Company - 1985 Kali Arnis International (b). Quirino High School - 1995 Kali Arnis International Hold as Arnis consultant in Arnis Philippine in conducting seminars for the program of Defnse Secretary Orly Mercado "Arnis Train the Trainors" attended by AFP, PNP, NAVY, MARINE, DECS, CHED, & DILG.